Daniel D’Egnuff

Daniel M Jingleheimer d’Egnuff is a man who has stumbled into the D&D World only because his initials are D & d. I’ve played for just over a year now via the inter-webs and have never played a game of D&D in person. If you listen very closely to the podcast you may hear the subtle meows of my cat, Odin (he is very pissed about podcast recording). Solo D’HillThorpe is only my 3rd character behind Fen Davenport and his older twin brother Ben Davenport but I have a feeling that he will find the same level of greatness. I am very excited to see what sort of shenanigans Mr. Solo will bring to the table and i’m also excited to be creating those shenanigans with Justin Smith. Big thanks to Bjorn for getting me into D&D. LETS DO THIS!